Oh, yummy
Tonight, I made one of my favorite tofu recipes that I got from VegWeb before they changed their format and the recipe disappeared. Luckily, I printed it out. It's tofu, green onions, nutritional yeast, some flour, lemon juice, soy sauce, vinegar, bell peppers, and capers, all fried up in a pan. I had it with a baked potato and some of the leftover green bean-carrot mixture. The tofu is tangy, not sour, and I think my caper-loving boyfriend would like this.
I'm going to Florida over the weekend to see my dad. Since it's Mother's Day Sunday, I'm spending that day with that side of the family. I want to make some goodies for my grandmother. When I saw my grandmother in October, I mentioned a vegan pate I make with mushrooms, onions, and walnuts (I add some garlic for flavor) that I think she would like. I also want to make biscuits on which to smear the pate. I don't make the vegan pate often, only for special events, since one can only eat so much at a time. My family liked the texture, but not so much the flavor when I made it last, which is why I'm adding the garlic.
I'd also love to make some sweet treat, if possible, so maybe I'll make some cookies from my sister's copy of How it All Vegan!, which I got her as a gifta while back.
At 8:18 PM, KleoPatra said…
That looks YUMMY. Have a wonderful time with your family...
At 12:14 AM, Carrieā¢ said…
I used to love pate back in my dark days and have only tried a couple of veg pates and didn't really care for them. Like you said, a person can only eat so much, so I haven't tried to make any at home because I'm afraid most of it would go to waste. Since I've now moved into a bigger place, I'm hoping to entertain more and pate is a great party food. Do you have any tried and true recipes to recommend?
At 9:51 PM, Danielle said…
Well, the recipe is called Oi-Vey Mock Chopped Liver, but I call it vegan pate. It's from "How it All Vegan!" It has mushrooms, onions, walnuts, and seasonings. I recommend letting it sit overnight before you serve to give the flavors a chance to blend.
As it is, I didn't get to cook this weekend. Oh, well.
At 1:35 PM, jess (of Get Sconed!) said…
I am not at ease with the new vegweb.com format either, I used to check it regularly too, but now it bugs me.
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