Supper and the Single Girl

Vegan Meals and Random Thoughts

Friday, May 19, 2006

I'm not a food stylist

But I had to do something because my Tofu Tidbits (from Dreena Burton's The Everyday Vegan), while tasty, were just not very pretty. I made the asparagus from a recipe on VegWeb (but I used walnuts instead of pecans), and the Sweet Potato Fries from Vegan With a Vengeance. I made the sweet potato fries once before when I had dinner with my boyfriend and that time, I tossed some leeks in for the last 15 minutes of baking (those were GOOD!), and they were just as nice the second time around. I like yams because they have a bit of sweetness, not to mention they're a bit more nutritious than plain old potatoes. I also leave the skins on because they're healthier that way.

I just don't know why it's easier to find a russet potato, even an organic one, that's easy to cut evenly, while yams are almost always lumpy and oddly shaped. If I'm chunking the potatoes for a roasted veggie dish, it's not a problem, but if I want to do yam fries, cutting them is a pain in the tuchus. And whether it's garnet or jewel yams, I see the same odd shape. I usually use the garnets though, because they're darker, which hopefully means better.

And I cannot rest without venting a bit of anger over the idiots in the Senate Judiciary Commitee for passing an amendment to ban same-sex marriage. So it will go to the full Senate, and I have to wonder how many of these guys are divorced and how many of them will vote for the amendment. What really has me frothing is that one senator opposes the amendment, but thinks it deserves a debate in the full Senate. Idiot!

I am grateful that the hate law in Georgia was overturned by a judge, even if it was only on a technicality. Sadly, I'm sure if they can't do it this year, they'll try it in '08.

I would like someone to explain to me how denying gay men and lesbians the same rights as hetrosexual couples "defends" or "affirms" marriage because to me, all it defends is patriarchy and all it affirms is bigotry. Whatever consenting adults do in the privacy of their homes is nobody's business except for the grownups involved. I also have to wonder how many of the proponents of these denial of marriage laws have ever been divorced, especially if they did the trophy-wife swap.

It's time to stand up and say that you oppose laws that strip citizens of their civil rights. Call your senators and let them know that the Constitution should not be used to deny rights. Fight hatred!


  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger jess (of Get Sconed!) said…

    Danielle I haven't been here in a while, and I'm sorry I've missed out - these meals are ridiculously great! I should take out the Meat & Potatoes book from the library again..
    I especially like the tempeh cacciatore.


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