Supper and the Single Girl

Vegan Meals and Random Thoughts

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I'm sorry, so sorry

I has been too hot to cook. This is the sort of weather I dealt with when I grew up in Florida, where the temperature and the humidity are in the neighborhood of 90, and a rainstorm only makes the humidity worse. I also had a few projects at work that practically ate my brain.

My cat turned 15 a couple of weeks ago, and my boyfriend got her all sorts of neat stuff, like a window perch:

And he also got catnip bubbles and a "gun" to blow lots of them, driving her nuts (helped along by the catnip she ate):

And here is the dinner I cooked tonight.

I made a chicken-fried seitan recipe and some gravy from "The Dirty South/Hot Damn and Hell Yeah," a double-sided book I picked up when I was in NYC. If you like Southern-style cooking, you will probably like this. I never got around to trying the recipes until now, though. I also did some cooking for tomorrow night, and I'll feature that food then. The seitan had a peppery taste, probably because I put in a bit much pepper or it didn't get mixed quite right. Some of the recipes are imprecise, which I don't mind, as I'm the sort of person to fiddle around with recipes to make them my own. The corn salad was something I picked up at Whole Foods last week, and was still very tasty.

I finally got cable Internet--hooray, hooray. Now, it takes a lot less time for my photos to upload here and for me to download stuff. I ended up with an external modem, which I don't mind because I can turn it off when I'm done for the evening. My kitty is keeping me company--she likes to lie on the sofa while I putter about online. She's happy as long as I'm here. And she's getting to really like her new window perch, I think. She was a little nervous of it at first, but sprinkle catnip on it, and she learns to love it. Maybe I should try that with her prescription canned food...


  • At 2:40 AM, Blogger KleoPatra said…

    The seitan looks superb. Love the gravy on there. I am a fan of Southern-style cooking. Comfort food, no?! I fiddle with recipes too...

    Love the cat! Lookin' happy as she can be. Animals are so much better to have around when they're healthy and happy...

    Good for you with the fast internet. One of these daze, i'll follow suit. The speed must be great in comparison to before...

  • At 2:49 PM, Blogger urban vegan said…

    that looks mighty fine.

    and kitty is so sweet and spoiled rotten. she looks like she's waving in thebubble photo.

  • At 9:40 PM, Blogger Danielle said…

    Nah, she's swiping at it.

  • At 7:02 PM, Blogger Michelle said…

    that is one cute bundle of fur you have there :) what's his name?

  • At 11:24 PM, Blogger Carrieā„¢ said…

    My girlfriend got a window perch for her cat and she sits there all the time (the cat, not my friend). Anytime I go to visit, as I walk up the driveway, there's Thumbs, sitting on her perch, looking out the window. She loves it! I'm sure your kitty will too.

  • At 9:36 PM, Blogger Danielle said…

    Michelle, my bundle of fur is a female, and her name is Tigger (that was her name when she adopted me), but I call her Miss Kitty, and the boyfriend calls her Fuzz.

  • At 7:40 PM, Blogger Tanya Kristine said…

    Wowie...that looks frickin' delectable!!!!


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